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Property Investor, Property Mentor, Buisness Advisor
We Help People Build Sustainable Property Empires
My Journey and how I can help you
You don't know what is possible until you have the right people around you to let you know
💵💵💸💸Do you want to achieve passive income through the property? I'll show you how to become financially independent, build passive income, and retire early. Buying the right investment property is critical to building a positive cash flow portfolio. This gives you choices in life and the choice of whether or not to go to work.
My story and how I can help you:
👉I Bought a non-investment grade PPOR property 6 years ago using 120k, in a location where my family and friends told me to buy.
👉It didn't perform as it was not an investment-grade property
👉3 years later I built the confidence to purchase another 2 more investment Properties in regional NSW.
👉I went through some very difficult times in my personal life and shut down. My business suffered and so did I, It took over a year to rebuild myself, get focused and become me again.
👉The investment properties I previously bought started to perform
👉I recessed my situation as I started to return income from my investment properties. I used the equity from the 2 regional properties I previously bought, then bought a further 2 more regional properties. Everybody was telling me how bad regional was (I didn't listen to them) I was making good money and I got to the point where I didn't even have to pay the mortgage on my ppor. My friends and family were confused as they would of only ever bought in blue-chip suburbs.
👉All the properties started performing. But there was a problem. My Serviceability was at a point I couldn't buy anything else. I was earning 2000-3000 per month after Principle and interest Repayments and couldn't understand how I got maxed out. I was always told that all I needed to do was buy positively geared properties, that all I had to do was a course, I didn't need other mentors and I could keep ripping out the equity to buy more properties. This couldn't be more wrong.
👉I searched high and low looking for the right mentors and found that I had bought all my properties incorrectly from the beginning. Furthermore, the main secret to a successful portfolio was more about understanding finance, banks lending policies and structure.
👉I found a way, countless hours of speaking to mortgage brokers, accountants and solicitors to educate myself as much as I could. In the same year I bought the other 2 last regional properties I went and bought another 5 properties, all were in different states and at the same time. And when I say 5 at the same time, I mean 5 at the same time. I'm also not talking about 5 cheap houses, I'm talking about value properties, the highest being over the 1 mil mark and averaging around 400k. How was it that I went from being completely maxed out to buying 5 at once, and Serviceability never to be an issue again, which helped me create a huge portfolio of over 10 properties over 100k in passive income per year?
What did I learn from this to build a big portfolio in property:
💡You need a mentor who has done what you want to achieve
💡The team around you could be the difference where you move forward or stop before you start
💡Don't be scared to ask for help
💡There is always a way
💡Don't confuse education and learning
💡Social media and people's opinions are all based on their current circumstances and 99% of it is all by beginners giving beginners advice
💡Finding a good yielding property is only a small part of the battle
💡Friends, family and Social media are not the best places to take advice from
💡Building your 1st deposit is the hardest
💡Without a goal, there can be no strategy and without a strategy, you have no directions
💡Start the right way from the start
Its time to take control of your journey
I help everyday people buy investment grade properties
👇👇Download the free cashflow calculator below to see your current position👇👇
In the calculator, we show you
The difference between interest-only and principal + Interest repayments
Lvr on individual properties
Lvr across the whole portfolio
Granny Flat additions
Net and gross yields
Identify your best and not performing properties
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