Are you looking to invest in property? Check out these random property tips!
9 random tips when investing in property
In this blog, we are going to cover 9 random tips on things you can do when investing in property. These tips are not listed in any particular order and are meant as general information only. When investing in property, always do your own research to make sure these tips work for your specific situation.
These are all important factors to consider when making any investment, and they are especially important when considering an investment in property.
So, without further ado, here are 9 random tips on investing in property:
Do you have mould or condensation problems?
Whirlybirds are a great way to help remove mould and condensation from your property. By installing these on your roof, you can help improve air circulation and reduce the chances of mould and condensation problems.
How do whirlybirds work?
Whirlybirds work by using the natural updraft of the air to help remove moisture from your property. This can be helpful in reducing mould and condensation problems, as well as improving the overall air quality of your home.
Did you know Whirly Birds are cheap to install?
Whirlybirds are cheap to install and also come with a very long warranty, so you can be sure that they'll last for a long time. Typically, they cost between $100 and $200 to install.
What other benefits do Whirly Birds have?
Whirlybirds also have a number of other benefits, including reducing noise pollution, improving the appearance of your property, and even deterring pests!
What is the difference between powered whirlybirds, solar whirly birds and normal whirlybirds?
Powered whirlybirds are the most common type of whirlybird. They use a small electric motor to spin the blades, which helps to remove moisture from your property.
Solar whirlybirds are powered by the sun, so they are a great eco-friendly option.
Normal whirlybirds do not have any power source, so they rely on the wind to spin the blades.
What is the best one to use?
The best type of whirlybird to use will depend on your specific situation. If you live in an area with a lot of suns, then a solar-powered whirlybird would be a great option. If you live in an area with high winds, then a normal whirlybird would be a better choice.
Will this increase ROI?
It is difficult to estimate the exact ROI of installing whirlybirds. Whether you consider less wear and tear over the next 20 years of your Air conditioner as it doesn't have to work as hard, the fact that it decreases the chance for mould and ventilation issues.
Overall, it is a relatively small investment that could potentially save you a lot of money down the road.
Is it worth it to soundproof my rental property?
If you have noisy tenants, it may be worth your while to soundproof your rental property. This can help reduce noise complaints from neighbours and also help improve the overall quality of life for your tenants.
How do I soundproof my property?
There are a number of ways you can soundproof your property, including Installing double-glazed windows, Adding insulation to walls and ceilings, Soundproofing doors, and adding rugs or carpets.
What is the best way to insulate my property?
There are a number of ways you can insulate your property, including Installing insulation in walls and ceilings, adding weather stripping to doors and windows, and installing double-glazed windows.
Can insulation bats help with sound?
Yes, insulation bats can help with soundproofing your property. By installing these in your walls and ceilings, you can help reduce noise levels and improve the overall quality of life for your tenants.
Is it worth it to install double-glazed windows?
Yes, installing double-glazed windows is definitely worth it! Not only will it help to reduce noise pollution, but it will also help to keep your property cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
Will this increase ROI?
Generally, no, as tenants or new owners won't even know what they are looking at. However, if you are looking to make some minor improvements that will increase the value or rentability of your property, then it may be helpful.
Overall, does soundproofing really increase value? No, not in and of itself, but if it's something that would make your property more desirable to potential tenants or buyers, then it may be worth your while to do so.
Is it worth it to install an alarm system on my investment property?
Alarm systems are a great way to keep your property safe and secure. Not only do they deter burglaries, but they also provide peace of mind for you and your tenants. Many tenants like the idea of having an alarm system in their rental property. It can give them peace of mind knowing that their property is safe and secure.
Do you care if your tenants don't feel safe?
As a property owner, it's important to consider the safety of your tenants. If you don't have an alarm system, you may want to consider installing one. A tenant that feels safe and secure in their rental property is more likely to be a good tenant that pays rent on time and takes care of the property.
Will this attract more tenants?
Installing an alarm system can definitely help to attract more tenants. Many people feel safer renting a property that has an alarm system installed. The more people you can attract to your property, the more likely you are to find a tenant that is a good fit for your property.
What are some other things I can do to deter break-ins?
There are a number of things you can do to deter break-ins, including installing an alarm system, adding security cameras, and adding deadbolts to doors.
Can an alarm system help with my insurance rate?
Yes, installing an alarm system can help to lower your insurance rate. Alarm systems are a great way to deter burglaries and protect your property. Many insurance companies offer discounts for properties that have alarm systems installed.
Overall, taking measures to improve security can help to deter break-ins and also help to attract more tenants. Adding security cameras, installing an alarm system, and adding deadbolts to doors are all great ways to improve security. These measures can also help to lower your insurance rate.
Do I buy a property if it has the number 4 or 14 in it?
There is a common superstition in Chinese culture that the number 4 is unlucky. Because of this, many Chinese people will avoid buying a property that has the number 4 in it.
Why is the number 4 unlucky?
The number 4 is unlucky in Chinese culture because it is pronounced the same as the word "death".
Should I avoid buying a property if it has the number 4 in it?
If you are superstitious, then you may want to avoid buying a property that has the number 4 in it. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the number 4 is unlucky.
Will it reduce the number of buyers looking to buy a property with the number 4?
It's possible that the number 4 will deter some buyers from looking at a property. However, there are many other factors that will affect a buyer's decision to purchase a property, such as location, price, and amenities.
Did you know some Chinese buildings don't have level 4 or 14?
Yes, it's true! In Chinese culture, the number 4 is considered to be unlucky. Because of this, many Chinese buildings will avoid having a level 4 or 14.
Overall, even tho you may not target a certain market with the number 4 or 14 in the address of the property, it's still a good idea to be aware that it may affect the decision of some buyers or renters.
Should I take advice from beginner property investors?
No, you should not take advice from beginner property investors. While they may mean well, they likely don't have the experience or knowledge to give you accurate advice.
What is a beginner property investor?
You see many on Facebook and social media, where they give lots of advice, but don't have any proven track record. These types of people are often called "armchair investors" or "beginner property investors". It's important to remember that just because someone is new to investing, doesn't mean they are an expert.
Why shouldn't I take advice from beginner property investors?
There are a number of reasons why you shouldn't take advice from beginner property investors. First, they likely don't have the experience or knowledge to give you accurate advice. Second, they may not be aware of all the risks involved in property investment.
If I'm a beginner property investor, where can I get accurate advice?
If you're a beginner property investor, it's important to get accurate advice from experienced professionals. You can find experienced professionals by attending investment seminars, reading books on investing, or joining an investment club.
What is an experienced property investor?
An experienced property investor is someone who has been investing in property for a long period of time and has a proven track record. They likely have a lot of knowledge and experience when it comes to investing in property and can provide you with valuable advice.
Why is it important to get advice from experienced property investors?
It's important to get advice from experienced property investors because they have the knowledge, learnings and experience to give you accurate advice.
What are some things I should look for when choosing an experienced property investor to get advice from?
First, you should make sure that the experienced property investor has a proven track record. Second, you should make sure that they are knowledgeable about the risks involved in property investment. Third, you should make sure that they have your best interests in mind.
But I have 3 properties so I'm an expert
Just because you own 3 properties doesn't make you an expert property investor. While you have done very well you still have so much to learn from experienced property investors.
But I don't want to pay for help
There are a number of ways to get help from experienced property investors without paying for it. You can attend investment seminars, read books on investing, or join an investment group on social media but be sure to vet the person giving the advice. Remember there are so many people offering advice but who can you actually take this advice from. Tho remember most people don't give the best advice free so your only get a small portion of it.
Overall, it's important to be careful when taking advice from beginner property investors. While they may mean well, they likely don't have the experience or knowledge to give you accurate advice. If you're a beginner property investor, it's important to get accurate advice from experienced professionals.
Don't Confuse education and learnings
While education is a good base, learnings is what takes you to the next level. Learning is the application of knowledge and often results in experience. Learnings are where you make your mistakes and often find yourself in interesting situations where you have to figure a way out.
What does education mean?
Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school, college or training institute. By definition, receiving an education means that you are taught by someone who is more knowledgeable than you in a particular subject.
What does learning mean?
Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, behaviours, skills, values, or preferences. Unlike education, which often happens in a formal setting, learning can take place anywhere—at work, at home, or in everyday life.
Why is it important to distinguish between the two?
It's important to distinguish between the two because they are not the same thing. Education is a formal process that happens in a structured setting, while learning can happen anywhere.
What's the difference between education and learnings?
Education is a good base, but learning is what takes you to the next level. Learning is the application of knowledge and often results in experience. Learning is where you make your mistakes and often find yourself in interesting
So what's better education or learning?
Learning is better than education because it's the application of knowledge and often results in experience. This means that you are able to learn more from your mistakes or other people's mistakes and often find yourself in interesting situations. However, education is still a good base to have.
But I was told to a course and all my troubles would go away?
While there are a number of courses available on property investment, not all of them will help you. In fact, research has shown that most people who take these types of courses don't actually gain any benefit from them or even use them.
How many people actually put theory into action and succeed?
Unfortunately, not many people are able to successfully apply the knowledge they learn in theory into action. This is because property investment is a complex process that requires a lot of experience and knowledge. So many people waste their time and money taking courses that they never use.
Only a small percentage of people who take these courses are successful in property investment.
What's the best way to learn about property investment?
The best way to learn about property investment is to get advice from experienced property investors. This is because they have the knowledge, learnings and experience to help you make the best decisions.
However, before you take advice from anyone, you should make sure that they have a good track record. Second, you should make sure that they are knowledgeable about the risks involved in property investment. Third, you should make sure that they have your best interests at heart.
Overall, taking courses on property investment may not be the best way to learn about this complex process. It's much better to get advice from experienced property investors who have a good track record and are knowledgeable about the risks involved.
What colour should I paint my rental property?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best colour for your rental property will depend on the preferences of your tenants. If you're not sure what colour to paint your rental property, we recommend using a neutral colour like white, grey or beige. This will make it easier for tenants to personalise the space and make it their own.
Should I modernise the colour of the house?
While you want to make sure that your rental property is up-to-date, you don't want to go too crazy with the colours. This is because you want to make sure that the property appeals to a wide range of tenants. By modernising your property you can increase the chances of it being rented out, but you don't want to make it so unique that only a small number of people are interested in renting it.
Should I do feature walls?
Feature walls can be a great way to add interest to your rental property. However, before you decide to do a feature wall, we recommend asking your tenants or property managers for their opinion. This is because some tenants may not like the idea of a feature wall and may prefer a more neutral space.
Can I paint out their colours?
While painting colours that are out-there and unique can be a great way to add personality to your rental property, it's important to consider the tastes of your tenants. If you're not sure what colours to paint your rental property, we recommend using a neutral colour like white or beige. This will make it easier for tenants to personalise the space and make it their own.
Will painting give me more rent?
While the idea of painting your property to increase rent may seem like a simple solution, it's not always that easy. By making a property more livable and desirable, you may be able to increase rent. But it's important to keep in mind that rental prices are also determined by the overall market conditions.
Will painting increase the value of my house?
While painting your house may make it more desirable to potential buyers, it's not always going to increase the value of your property. This is because the value of your property is determined by a number of factors, including location, size, and condition. Remember property is always supply vs demand.
Overall, while painting may not increase the value of your property, it can make it more desirable to potential buyers and renters.
Should I get a pet-friendly property?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best type of property for pet owners will depend on the preferences of your tenants. Some pet owners may be willing to pay a premium for a pet-friendly rental property, as it can be difficult to find rental properties that allow pets. However, it's important to keep in mind that not all tenants are pet owners, and some tenants may be allergic to pets.
Will pets damage my property?
While pets can cause damage to your property, it's important to remember that not all pet owners are irresponsible. Pets can damage your property, but so can children and adults. It's important to screen all tenants carefully, regardless of whether or not they have pets.
Can I ask for a pet bond?
In Australia, you can only charge a pet bond if the property is specifically advertised as being pet-friendly. This is because the pet bond is considered to be a type of security deposit, and security deposits are only allowed for properties that are advertised as being pet-friendly.
Can I ask for more rent if I allow pets?
Generally, investors ask for another 10-20 dollars per week to cover the increased wear and tear that pets may cause. While this may look like your earning more money, you have to remember that the increase is to cover the costs of any damage that may occur or the additional maintenance or cleaning that may need to be carried out.
Things to consider if my tenants can have a pet
If you live in a unit or townhouse, it’s important to check your strata by-laws as some do not allow pets. Even if your strata by-laws allow pets, you should check with your neighbours to make sure they’re okay with it. There is nothing worse than having a tenant with a pet that your neighbours complain about constantly.
You should also consider whether or not you want to allow pets that will make a lot of noise, such as barking dogs. This is because you don’t want to be constantly getting complaints from your neighbours about the noise.
Another thing to consider is whether or not you want to allow outdoor pets, such as cats that roam around the neighbourhood. This is because you could be held responsible for any damage that the pet does to other people’s property.
You should also think about whether or not you want to allow dangerous breeds of dogs. This is because you could be held liable if the dog hurts someone.
Finally, you should consider whether or not you want to allow pets that shed a lot of fur. This is because you will have to do more cleaning to keep the property clean.
Overall, allowing tenants to have pets can be a good idea, but you need to make sure that you carefully consider all of the pros and cons before making a decision.
Should I install security cameras on my rental property?
Security cameras can be a great way to deter crime and keep your tenants safe, but you need to make sure that you comply with the law when installing them. In most states and territories, it is legal to install security cameras on your rental property, but there are some restrictions.
Do security cameras stop crime?
There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on the situation. However, security cameras can be a great deterrent to crime, as they make it easier for the police to catch criminals. Generally, the idea behind security cameras is that they will deter crime, as potential criminals will know that they are being watched.
Should I put them on my rental property?
You should only put security cameras on your rental property if you have a legitimate reason for doing so. For example, if you have had a problem with crime in the past, or if you are in a high-crime area, then security cameras may be a good idea. It also depends on the type of property you have. If you have a house, then security cameras may not be necessary, but if you have a commercial property or own a unit block, then they may be a good idea.
Before you install security cameras on your rental property, you should check with your state or territory’s laws to make sure you are complying with them. If a block of units you can only install them
- with the permission of the owner's corporation
- if they are installed in a common area
- if they do not invade the privacy of any individual
- if they are installed for a legitimate purpose
- if they are operated in accordance with the Privacy Act
Should I just put up fake Cameras?
In some states, it is illegal to install fake security cameras. All CCTV cameras are subject to stringent rules and regulations, so even dummy cameras must be placed in law-abiding locations. When in doubt, check with your local law enforcement agency to find out the specific rules and regulations in your area.
What if my tenants ask me if they can install their own cameras?
If your tenants ask you if they can install their own security cameras, you should check with your state or territory’s laws to see if this is allowed. In some states and territories, it is legal for tenants to install their own security cameras, as long as they have your permission and the cameras are installed in a common area.
You should also check your lease agreement to see if there are any restrictions on security cameras. If you have a no-camera policy in your lease agreement, then your tenants are not allowed to install security cameras on the property.
Overall, security cameras can be a great way to deter crime and keep your tenants safe, but you need to make sure that you comply with the law when installing them.
Thank you for reading this blog post! I hope you found these tips helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Also if you have any topics you would love us to cover, please reach out and we will do our best to cover them in an upcoming blog post!